2150 Bird Street in Downtown Oroville, CA


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Homelessness is more than just not having a canopy over your head. Unsheltered people do not have the resources to obtain the basic human solace of coziness, wellness, safeness, and neatness. Take into account some of the basic stuff that homeless people need when collecting...
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Some people may find it necessary to enter a treatment program to recover from substance abuse. Some people try to quit on their own, however without guidance and support it may be difficult to break the chains of addiction alone. Here are some telltale signs...
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Scripture: I Samuel 15–I was reading the story about King Saul disobeying God and was reminded that Saul followed what the people wanted him to do because he was unfit to be king, not the other way around. He didn’t become unworthy of being king...
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Identify Them Sit down with a pen and paper and make a list of obstacles and frustrations that have acted as barriers to obtaining permanent housing. Organize them based on the level of difficulty or challenge that they present. Reflect on each. Jot down notes...
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“Do you house families?”We do have two rooms and a shared bathroom for moms with children. These are located inside the Women’s Shelter, so unfortunately, we currently have no place for dads to stay with their children. We ask that families are first referred to...
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