2150 Bird Street in Downtown Oroville, CA


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Welcome to The Oroville Resource Center and Rescue Mission!
If you need assistance with housing, food, drug or alcohol recovery, then START HERE.

Rental & Housing Assistance

The ORC offers a wide range of housing options depending upon your particular situation including emergency shelter, interim housing, shared housing, and permanent housing. Our goal is to help you achieve self-sufficiency and permanent, sustainable housing, Case managers will work with you to determine your needs and then tailor a path forward that is specific to your circumstances with the support of our Housing Navigator and Case Management Team. Financial assistance may also be available for application fees, deposits (rental and utility) and/or first and last month's rent.

Application Assistance

Our Case Manager’s can assist you with the initial applications, making appointments, and filling out paperwork related to any social service need you may have. This includes, but is not limited to applications for social security benefits, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, cash-aid, unemployment, SSI and SDI too! Our transportation team will help you get you to any appointment for healthcare or public assistance.

Life Skills

There is always room for improvement in all aspects of our lives. Handling phone calls professionally when seeking employment or housing, financial education, understanding your credit score and how it impacts your housing readiness, knowing and utilizing local resources, building the perfect resume, and much more. We want to assist you in becoming the happiest, healthiest, and most productive person you want to be; whether that be through the aforementioned skills or other more personal ones, we are here to help.

Transportation Assistance

The ORC offers transportation to healthcare appointments or public service appointments on a case by case basis. Program participants may be eligible for bus passes to access public transportation . Case Manager’s will also assist participants in applying for discount bus fare, paratransit, or arranging transportation to medical appointments via a care provider and/or health insurance, where available.

Job & Vocational Assistance

Members of our New Life Recovery Program are provided vocational experience through a variety of means. Retail, warehouse, catering, kitchen management, meal prep, landscaping, and general labor are but some of the experiences that can be gleaned through this vocational training. Volunteers are also encouraged to apply.

Job Preparation/Job Search

An important part of getting a job is being ready when an employer asks you what your work experience has been. Staff at the ORC are happy to help you create a new resume or polish up an existing one. Case manager’s can create one on your behalf if you are uncomfortable with technology, or merely provide support and assistance while you utilize our computer lab. A professional, correctly edited resume can do wonders for your employability and we encourage you to take advantage of this resource.

Job Interview prep / Clothes

In conjunction with Bird Street Thrift Store, we offer a quarterly clothing voucher to program participants. Not only can a clothing voucher be used for work attire, it can also be used for basic necessities such as household goods, blankets, etc. In addition, the program is able to provide clothing for interviews, on an as needed basis. The members of our staff are happy to assist you in picking the right outfit for your potential employment opportunity, and assist you in obtaining needed work clothes if you are able to gain said employment.

Computer lab

There are multiple computers available for use during regularly scheduled business hours with access to the internet and printing. These can be utilized for a variety of purposes expressly related to employment, education, job search, or applying for social service programs such as cash aid, CalFresh, or Medi-Cal. Staff is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding these tasks.

Housing Navigation

Each individual seeking shelter or housing will be assessed when they arrive at the ORC or when they meet with an outreach worker out in the community. The Oroville Rescue Mission maintains both a women's and men's shelter while Esperanza Village provides both congregate and non-congregate shelter, safe parking and a small area for safe tent living. While we strive for everyone to get into permanent housing as swiftly as possible, we realize that options for affordable, permanent housing in Butte County are limited, so the Housing Navigator will coordinate available shelter and permanent housing based on a participant's vulnerability after being assessed, program eligibility and the participant's ability to sustain housing once a subsidy expires. Eligible program participants may receive rental assistance for a limited period of time to assist an individual in obtaining a rental unit. Each program participant will be supported while navigating the rental application process once they select the housing that meets their individual needs. The assigned Case Manager and the Housing Navigator will refer each participant to all applicable programs, services, and resources available to them.
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