2150 Bird Street in Downtown Oroville, CA


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Things Homeless Shelters Need

Homelessness is more than just not having a canopy over your head. Unsheltered people do not have the resources to obtain the basic human solace of coziness, wellness, safeness, and neatness. Take into account some of the basic stuff that homeless people need when collecting donations for a local homeless shelter or trying to assist someone on your block.

  • Numerous unsheltered people who are living on the streets very seldom remove their shoes. They walk a lot and frequently don’t have bathroom facilities nearby. That’s why fresh socks are always in high demand at homeless shelters. They must be included in whatever care kit you arrange or donate.
  • Items for basic hygiene. Unsheltered people’s capacity to interact is usually hampered by poor hygiene. Charitable contributions of shampoo, body wash, shaving materials, sanitary pads, as well as feminine nappies are always appreciated by shelters.
  • Giving someone money may help them in the future, but giving them something to eat, regardless of how minimal, can help them more. Furthermore, not every eatery or business serves or receives unsheltered people, and as such bringing them actual food can eliminate that issue.
  • Food for pets. Pets are literally godsend to people who are homeless. Dogs and other animals offer homeless people a level of normalcy, friendship, and relationship that cannot be overstated. Charitable contributions of pet food or donations to institutions such as Pets of the Homeless can shield these indispensable companions.
  • Transportation passes and gift cards. Prepaid debit cards or gift certificates can help unsheltered people. Transportation funds enable them to move around, or simply give them a couple of hours of warmth on a freezing night.
  • Even a light downpour may lead to physical discomfort or perhaps even irreparable harm to your personal possessions. Rain-proof gear, from raincoats to boots to umbrellas, will be highly valued if offered.
  • People who are homeless are simply that: people. They, like everyone else, crave communication and socializing. Individuals who have suffered homelessness have said in poll results and diary entries that simple moments as well as mild gift items, regardless of whether short dialogues or novels, can be profoundly impactful to them.

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