2150 Bird Street in Downtown Oroville, CA


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Our staff is like a family

Thank you so much for your interest and support of the Oroville Resource Center and Rescue Mission. As you can see, we have changed our name, and now you can just call the organization the ORC for short!

Staff of the Oroville Resource Center and Rescue Mission are here to end homelessness one man, one woman, and one family at a time. What you want, we will help you achieve. If you want prayer, we’re equipped to pray with you. If you need food, we’ll feed you a meal. If you need recovery from an addictive lifestyle, we can help or we’ll help you apply to another program of your choice. If you need shelter, we have options. If you’re ready to obtain housing, we can help.

What has changed?

Our name. As the needs of the community have evolved, so have we. Our new name lets you know that we are much more than just a homeless shelter.

Esperanza Village. Our new facility is set to open in the fall of 2024! Our unhoused neighbors will be provided with case management, supportive services, and community supports that aid an individual in obtaining and sustaining permanent housing.

What Hasn’t changed?

Our commitment. We restore lives physically, mentally and spiritually. From our faith-based addiction program, counseling and services provided from our community partners we are ever expanding and improving our programs and services to meet the evolving needs of vulnerable populations.

Thank you for your support and for choosing to partner with us on this amazing journey of effecting positive change in the community.

Learn more about The Oroville Resource Center & Rescue Mission

Mission Statement

Hospitality with empowerment.
We strive to help people right where there are, without judgment or condemnation.
We strive to be empathetic and kind treating each person with respect and dignity.
We strive to encourage the individual to move forward and take steps to better their housing situation.
We strive to equip and teach each person the necessary skills to maintain permanent housing.

Who We Are

The Oroville Rescue Mission was established in 1964, with humble beginnings as a soup kitchen. As the needs of the community changed so did the ORM. In 1972, the organization opened the doors at 4250 Lincoln Blvd as a 24-bed men’s shelter. The location was perfect as it was close to the railroads yard, and most of its guests came from “riding the rails.” Around 1984, a women’s and children’s center was established and the New Life Recovery Program was founded. Focusing on identifying the underlying conditions that cause addiction and abuse, the ORM began using a faith-based recovery program that has proven to be highly successful. Now, the current ORM campus hosts up to 78 guests per night, offers a drug and alcohol recovery program, as well as a resource center. Program participants are assessed on an individual basis and a person-centered, comprehensive housing plan is developed to equip and prepare an individual for permanent housing.

What We Do

The Oroville Resource Center (ORC) is committed to helping those in the community meet their basic needs by providing emergency shelter, three meals a day, and access to toilets/showers in a safe environment. The ORC provides assistance to residents of Oroville, South Butte County and its outlying areas.

Why We do it

Based on the following scripture, we believe that “Serving others is service to God”.

38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Matthew25:38-40

Board of Directors

Allan Dikes - Executive Director/CEO
Annie Terry - CFO
Jill Lamalfa - Board Chair
Laurie Kee - Treasurer
Sandi Hays - Director
Bob Cassone - Director
Jim Hollingsworth - Director
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